Environmental laboratory
ECO PHYSICS AG, a world leader in innovative NO/NO2/NOx/NH3 and O3 measurement, ranging from 1 ppt up to 1%
Sep 11 2024
ECO PHYSICS AG offers innovative analytical solutions for measurement tasks in the fields of environment, health and process control. With our interdisciplinary research and development team we are delivering customer oriented and tailor-made products and services.
The spirit of our staff
Researchers and Engineers at ECO PHYSICS AG are aware of our clients’ individual requirements and are therefore are focusing on finding the most fitting and innovative solutions. Our interdisciplinary staff combines academical, economic and technical skills and possesses decades of experience in environmental analysis and related market forces. This enables ECO PHYSICS to fulfill the requirements of governmental regulations, which continuously demand higher sensitivities and faster response times. Since 1989 ECO PHYSICS analyzers are detecting Nitrogen Oxide based gas molecules in a wide range of applications, including components such as NO, NO2, NOX, but also O3, and NH3, in a fast and reliable manner with a unique precision.
We are advancing progress
The reduction of the amount of Nitrogen Oxides in our atmosphere is one of the decisive factors to achieve a reduction of the boundary layer ozone. As a result, new regulations are calling on much lower levels of emissions. You can rely on analyzers from ECO PHYSICS, which provide a wide variety of instruments, measuring from 10'000 ppm (1%) down to 1 ppt (part per trillion) and all relevant concentration ranges of NO and NOx between. Background ambient measurements of air pollutants from aircraft require the most sensitive analyzers available. In order to study the influences in the lower stratosphere, a sensitivity as low as a few ppt is required. The task can be compared to finding the volume of a pin head in a gym hall. The impact of air traffic and the state of the atmosphere are the driving factors for the upcoming international guidelines for the aircraft industry. For their research our customers benefit from the highly sophisticated, available instrumentation from ECO PHYSICS AG.
Modularity offers a cost benefit
The chemiluminescence technology is based on a combination of components, which are matched and optimally adapted to the individual needs of your application. Therefore, ECO PHYSICS is offering a new approach with the key being flexible configuration. Modularity allows the user to custom tailor their instrument and upgrade it as needs change.
Ease of operation
ECO PHYSICS uses a clear menu structure and simple commands to operate its newest analyzer series nCLD. The Graphical User Interface operates via an integrated touch panel PC. It enables also remote access, control and diagnose functions, which also increases the simplicity of service.
The right decision
ECO PHYSICS AG established a worldwide network and is manufacturing analyzers for precise, fast and reliable measurements of Nitrogen Oxide-based gas components. They are designed for applications:
- Environmental Monitoring
- Research and development
- Process gas production and Quality assurance
- Automotive and combustion engines
- Semiconductor / Wafer production
Stand-alone instruments or as part of a system, let us help you to find your best possible measurement solution. Contact us today and visit the website.
Digital Edition
AET 28.4 Oct/Nov 2024
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