• New FTMS System Offers Switchable LC and GC Sources and True Triple Quadrupole Capabilities

Environmental laboratory

New FTMS System Offers Switchable LC and GC Sources and True Triple Quadrupole Capabilities

Varian, Inc. (USA) has announced its new 920-MS Triple Quadrupole Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer (TQ-FTMS), available with both LC (liquid chromatography) and GC (gas chromatography) interfaces for ionization. The ultra-high resolution (>1,000,000) and mass accuracy (The new 920-MS combines the technology of the proven Varian 320-MS triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with Varian FT-ICR (Ion Cyclotron Resonance) detectors. The available field strengths include 7, 9.4, 12.0 and now 15.0 Tesla – the highest field commercially available in an FTMS magnet, providing the largest sample dynamic range of any FTMS system. The magnets are available both in conventional and zero boil-off design. A choice of magnets and ionization sources allows customers to configure a solution to meet their specific needs with respect to sensitivity, mass accuracy, dynamic range, and application area.
The system takes advantage of Varian's expertise in LC/MS and GC/MS by incorporating a true triple quadrupole mass spectrometer with its own off axis ion detector independent of the FT cell in the magnet. The choice of two detectors enables users to gather more types of information with a single instrument. In addition to the high resolution and mass accuracy available from the FT detector, users can acquire data from typical triple quadrupole experiments such as neutral loss, multiple reaction monitoring and quantitation.
Historically, FTMS has been primarily used in conjunction with liquid chromatography. The switchable LC/GC interface for the ionization source lets users perform either type of analysis in the same laboratory. The 920-MS employs a unique isolation valve (patent pending) that allows rapid changing (e.g. GC to LC) or maintenance of ion sources without the long down time required when venting the ultra high vacuum FTMS portion of the system to atmospheric pressure. A unique dual cart design is available on the 920-MS. This accommodates multiple instrument configurations, including electrospray and MALDI, with a single magnet.
“The integration of a Varian triple quadrupole mass spectrometer into our existing FTMS system delivers truly information-rich detection to our customers,” said Martin O’Donoghue, Senior Vice President, Scientific Instruments, Varian, Inc. “We have combined our technologies to provide scientists withmore experimental choices and capabilities in a single instrument.”

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