• Reliable and cost-effective solutions for monitoring air pollutants for almost every possible CEMS and process analysis application


Reliable and cost-effective solutions for monitoring air pollutants for almost every possible CEMS and process analysis application

Opsis AB can provide a solution for almost every conceivable Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) / process emission need. Opsis will supply complete systems based on cross-duct, light absorption technology, so there are no complex probes to degrade and maintain, making it ideal for stack monitoring applications, especially in applications with aggressive stack gas matrices. If necessary, Opsis can also supply more conventional, extractive-based CEMS, with an analytical method based on light absorption. Opsis also provides additional sensors for a variety of peripheral parameters including temperature, pressure, gas flow, dust concentration, oxygen and more, thereby providing a comprehensive package of analyses suitable for nearly all industrial applications. Opsis is renowned for its high-quality, MCERTS-approved air analysers providing end users with reliable and precise instrumentation that requires minimal maintenance and therefore offers low operating and ownership costs. Their instruments are easy to integrate into existing process control systems and offer a wide range of signal handling options, such as their range of dataloggers and software to provide both real-time data and information for emissions reporting.

A typical CEM/process control system consists of one or two DOAS analysers (UV + FTIR) for measurement of gas concentrations, with peripheral measurements for e.g. flue gas flow rates and dust concentrations being measured by add-on sensors, tailored to suit specific customer needs. DOAS is an optical, multi-gas measurement technology that quantifies stack gas components directly. In a typical cross-duct installation, there is no contact with the stack gases as they pass by, making analysis extremely fast. It is a true non-contact, non-extractive measurement based on the differential optical absorption of gas molecules in the UV, visible and IR wavelengths. Gases measured include NOx, NO, NO2, SO2, CO, HCI, HF, NH3, TVOC and with supplementary sensors added, dust, oxygen and more.

Opsis is exclusively represented in the British Isles by Enviro Technology, a company that has been designing, installing, and supporting high-quality CEM systems since 1983 with MCERTS-approved Opsis Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) cross-duct technology at the heart of all its installations.

Digital Edition

AET 28.4 Oct/Nov 2024

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