Ambient air quality
A unique and cutting-edge approach to ambient air quality sampling
Dec 07 2022
DroneXperts’ have introduced AirDX, a drone-based ambient air quality sampling and measurement system that redefines the limits of traditional methods. The device that uses three standardised sampling methods at the same time is a world first. DroneXperts and its renowned partners developed the technology to help as many organisations as possible reduce their environmental footprint through data collection.
In response to climate change and the need for innovation in clean technology, the DroneXperts team has created AirDX, a cutting-edge drone-based system for monitoring air quality in a new way. This ground-breaking tool characterises air pollutants through real-time sampling and measurement. The AirDX module is the most comprehensive drone-based ambient air sampling device on the market anywhere in the world. It continuously measures concentrations of air contaminants, including greenhouse gases. An integrated GPS georeferences the data it captures for viewing on a map. AirDX is for all major industries that need to measure their emissions from oil and gas distribution, engineered landfills, plant operations, environmental emergencies, and more. It can be used for site characterization, ambient air monitoring, and other purposes.
“Similar sampling systems that were developed previously use only one method,” said Guillaume Blackburn-Lewis, Sales Development Representative – Environmental Solutions at DroneXperts. “Our system adds two other methods that are currently not or only marginally commercialised on the drone market. These three processes are recognised by the sampling industry worldwide, so the system can meet most needs. AirDX is a game changer for industries that must do this kind of analysis and that want to do their part for the environment.”
Years of research and development went into AirDX, leading to a product that is second to none. A number of international companies have already expressed interest in purchasing the system, which will hit the market soon. From Quebec City to Abu Dhabi to Angers, France, demand for this technology spawned in the Quebec City area is already strong. “Developing this type of product is not easy. You need to work with robotics, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering experts; programmers; drone specialists; and environmental scientists,” said Mathieu Falardeau, Sales Director at DroneXperts. “This is one of the main reasons why the technology took so long to break into the global marketplace,” he added.
After meeting all the prerequisites for tackling the project, the DroneXperts team worked with many specialists in the field under the leadership of Patrick Chatelle, Application Engineering Director and head of the Enviro-DX program.
The environment and the safety of companies and organisations are priorities for DroneXperts. Its Enviro-DX product line, including AirDX, offers solutions for a range of environmental issues. Enviro-DX products are designed primarily to help as many organisations as possible reduce their environmental footprint. The data AirDX gathers will help businesses and organisations better manage air quality through post-processing sample analysis. For all these reasons, Investissement Québec – Centre de recherche industrielle du Québec (IQ-CRIQ); Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP); and Centre d’expertise en analyse environnementale du Québec (CEAEQ) have contributed to developing this innovative tool to help sectors that pose significant risks better control environmental, public health, and worker safety issues. “ We are proud to be a pioneer in drone-based technologies that help organisations adopt new environmentally responsible practices,” added Guillaume Blackburn-Lewis. “DroneXperts is all about putting innovation and research to work for the environment.”
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