• Redefining Water Analysis Techniques With Sensor Technology


Redefining Water Analysis Techniques With Sensor Technology

In any industry that uses water, people of varying skills and expertise can be made responsible for maintaining water safety, preventing serious health and environmental implications caused by over- and under- dosing, and meeting regulations. To make confident water quality decisions; simple, accurate, and reliable test methods are required.

Palintest have long been known as pioneers in the water testing industry, ever since Dr Palin's work introduced disinfection monitoring through the DPD method. Palintest has continued to push boundaries, simplifying water analytical techniques to ensure that effective water quality monitoring is possible for all users.

Palintest’s unique sensor technology offers significant advantages compared to alternative measurement techniques. Combining patented calibration-free, single-use sensors and clever electronics, the product range delivers reliable results —perfect for validating processes and online probes. Sensors are suitable for complex water samples as they are not affected by solids, turbidity, or sample colour. It’s a simple, resilient method that reduces potential error, suitable for users of any skill level. The device stores 500 test results, which can be exported to a PC via USB. This removes any chance of operator error in logging results and provides a clear, traceable data set for managers and auditors.

The technology has been trusted in applications around the world for ten years. Vegetable producers in China validate their wash line disinfection levels. The industry is heavily audited, so they require a traceable, reliable solution. Their testing frequency is high, and performed by a transient work force, so they require a fast, resilient method. American school districts testing lead use the technology to assess an entire school’s drinking water on site in one day. Building consultants ensure adequate disinfection in the heating and cooling water of a whole hospital. Palintest sensor technology provides an easy, reliable way to run hundreds of tests and confidently validate the system. Renal wards in Australia require ultra-pure water for their dialysis patients. They determine water quality using sensor technology before treatment.

This unique, US EPA approved technology delivers effective disinfection validation and water quality management decisions by simplifying the test procedure and giving customers greater confidence in their results. For further information please click here

Digital Edition

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