Albert Wertheimer, Richard Levy and Leo L.H. Lui

The Book of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Lists

Albert Wertheimer, Richard Levy and Leo L.H. Lui Paperback

Now available as an eBook from Amazon>>

Information is the life blood of the pharmaceutical industry. Companies rely heavily on massive volumes of data to demonstrate the safety and efficacy of medicines submitted for registration, monitor adverse events and side-effects under strict post-marketing surveillance requirements, certify the cost effective performance of marketed products in improving public health outcomes, and protect patents, trademarks and other forms of intellectual property.

The challenge, however, is finding ways to make all this information accessible to others. The Book of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Lists is the accessible answer to this essential question, serving as the entry point for anyone – from researchers to journalists to the general public, including patients – who needs help in transforming data and information into knowledge. It includes over 150 lists covering virtually every aspect of today’s biopharmaceutical business model, regulatory and policy arena, including worldwide health statistics, data on global  pharmaceutical markets and marketing, and  pharmaceutical and biotechnology innovation, as well as data on medication use and expenditures among the US population.

It is a reference source with diverse practical uses – from reinforcing the findings of a peer-reviewed clinical study, to providing background information and facts for journalists and speechwriters, marketers and advertisers, as well as students in public health, health administration and health policy.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Company Statistics

Overview                1

Pharmaceutical Companies

Table 1.1.                The 12 Largest Pharmaceutical Companies ranked by Revenue

                                as of March 2010 according to their 2009 Annual Reports

Table 1.2.                The 12 Largest Pharmaceutical Companies ranked by Revenue

                                as of July 2009 in the Fortune Global 500

Table 1.3.                The 49 Largest Biopharmaceutical Companies, ranked by

                                Healthcare Revenue as of 2008

Table 1.4.                Top 20 Global Corporations: Changes in sales from 2007 to 2012

Table 1.5.                Top 20 U.S. Companies by non-discounted spending in

                                U.S. Market, 2008-2012

Table 1.6.                Listing of all Pharmaceutical Companies having articles in Wikipedia

Table 1.7.                PhRMA Companies: Names, Addresses, Phone numbers


Biotechnology Companies

Table 1.8.                Biotechnology Industry: Size in Four Global Regions

Table 1.9.                Independent Biotechnology Companies (2013)

Table 1.10.              Biotechnology Companies Worldwide (BIO members) Generic

                                Drug Companies

Table 1.11.              Top 10 Generic Pharmaceutical Companies, by 2010 Revenue


Mergers and Acquisitions

Table 1.12.              Pharmaceutical Company Mergers          46

Table 1.13.              Examples of Recent Acquisitions (2010-2013)

Table 1.14.              Notable Acquisitions and Partnerships Involving Biologics


Employment in U.S. Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing Industries

Table 1.15.              Employment of Wage and Salary Workers in Pharmaceutical

                                and Medicine Manufacturing, 2008 and Projected Change, 2008-2018

Table 1.16.              Median Hourly Wages of the Largest Occupations in Pharmaceutical

                                and Medicine Manufacturing, May 2008


Chapter 2. Pharmaceutical Markets and Marketing


Global Markets

Table 2.1.                Global Pharmaceutical Market, 2003- 2012

Table 2.2.                Global Pharmaceutical Market by Region, 2012 – 2017

Table 2.3.                Changes in World Ranking of Pharmaceutical Markets,

                                Projected, 2009-2013

Table 2.4.                Top 20 Therapeutic Classes, Global Market, 2008-2012

Table 2.5.                Top 20 Biopharmaceuticals Worldwide, ranked by 2012

                                Global Sales Estimate

Table 2.6.                Top 15 Specialty Products (Global Sales), 2008 – 2009

Table 2.7.                All-time Biggest Blockbusters (Global Sales)

Table 2.8.                The World Health Organization (WHO) List of Essential Medicines


U.S Markets

Table 2.9.                Top Medicines by Non-Discounted Spending (U.S.), 2008-2012

Table 2.10.              Channel Distribution by Non-Discounted Spending (U.S.), 2008-2012

Table 2.11.              Channel Distribution by Dispensed Prescriptions (U.S.), 2008-2012

Table 2.12.              Retail Sales for Prescription Drugs Filled at U.S. Pharmacies, 2011

Table 2.13.              Top Therapeutic Classes by Dispensed Prescriptions (U.S.), 2008-2012

Table 2.14.              Top 25 Medicines by Dispensed Prescriptions (U.S.), 2008-2012

Table 2.15.              Dispensing by Payment Type (U.S.), 2008-2012


Generic Drug Markets

Table 2.16.              Generic Drugs: 10 Top World Market Sales, 2012 and Growth, 2008-2012

Table 2.17.              Top Generics Companies: Market Share of World Generics Market, 2009

Table 2.18.              Utilization of Generic Medicines within the Unprotected Markets, 2009

Table 2.19.              Average Prescription Prices for Generic and Brand-Name Drugs, 2000-2010

Table 2.20.              Billion Dollar Generics: Top 20 Generic Molecules Worldwide, 2011

Table 2.21.              Drug Patent Expirations, 2013-2021

Table 2.22.              The Biologics Patent Cliff


Promotional Spend

Table 2.23.              Total U.S. Promotional Spend, by Type, 2007-2011

Table 2.24.              Professional Detailing Spend, Journal Ad Spending, Professional

                                Meetings Spend, by Company, 2007-2008            

Table 2.25.              Total Promotional Spend, DTC Spend, E-promotional Spend,

                                by Company, 2007-2008

Table 2.26.              Guidelines and Codes of Conduct for Marketing and Promotion

                                Established by Pharmaceutical Organizations


Chapter 3. Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Innovation


Clinical Trials

Table 3.1.                Attrition of Study Participants at Progressive Phases of

                                Clinical Trial Development

Table 3.2.                Success Rates of Drugs by Therapeutic Class for Self-originated

                                Compounds First Tested in Humans from 1993 to 2004

Table 3.3.                Success Rates for Phase Transition and Clinical Approval Probabilities

                                by Therapeutic Class for Self-originated Compounds First Tested in

                                Humans from 1993 to 2004


Medicines in Development: Selected Disease Categories

Table 3.4.                Medicines in Clinical Trials for Skin Diseases (2011)

Table 3.5.                Medicines in Clinical Trials for Arthritis (2011)

Table 3.6.                Medicines in Clinical Trials for Leading Chronic Diseases

                                Affecting Medicare Beneficiaries (2013)

Table 3.7.                Medicines in Clinical Trials for Mental Illnesses (2012)

Table 3.8.                Medicines in Clinical Trials for Cancer (2012)

Table 3.9.                Medicines in Clinical Trials for Neurological Disorders (2013)

Table 3.10.              Medicines in Clinical Trials for Parkinson’s disease (2011)

Table 3.11.              Biologics in Clinical Trials, by Product Category (2013)

Table 3.12.              Biologics in Clinical Trials, by Target Disease (2013)


New Drug Approvals

Table 3.13.              Number of New Therapeutics and Biologics Approvals and

                                Average Approval Times (2001-2011)

Table 3.14.              New Drugs Approved in 2011, by Therapeutic Category

Table 3.15.              Important Medicines Approved in 2011 for Ten Conditions

Table 3.16.              Companies Winning Prix Galien Medals for Pharmaceutical

                                Excellence, 1970 - 2013

Table 3.17.              Origin of Innovative New Drugs Approved, 1998- 2007

Table 3.18.              Number of New Small Molecule Drug Approvals Per Year

                                Compared to New Biologic Drug Approvals (1988-2008)

Table 3.19.              Drugs Withdrawn from the Market, 1950s-2010


Biotechnology Innovation

Table 3.20.              History of Biotechnology: 500 B.C. – 2010

Table 3.21.              Early Biotech and Drug Company Biologics Approvals

Table 3.22.              Manufacturing Process for a Typical Recombinant Biotechnology Product

Table 3.23.              Genetic Tests for Five Types of Cancer

Table 3.24.              From Nature to Medicine: Biotechnology Drug Therapies

Table 3.25.              Well-Known Pairs of Gene-Drug Pharmacogenomic Relationships

Table 3.26.              Selected Personalized Medicine Drugs, Treatments and Diagnostics


Improvements in Health Outcomes from Pharmaceutical Therapy

Table 3.27.              Pharmaceutical Innovation in Management of Heart Attack

                                and Stroke (1970s- 2000s)

Table 3.28.              Improved Health Outcomes in Heart Attack and Stroke Resulting

                                from Key Advances in Pharmaceuticals 

Table 3.29.              Dollar Value of Pharmaceutical Treatment in Heart Attacks and Stroke


Chapter 4. Medication Use and Expenditures in the U.S. Population


Table 4.1.                Top Prescribed Drugs by Total Expenditures and Number of Persons

                                with Expenditures, 2007

Table 4.2.                Top Therapeutic Classes by Total Expenditures and Number of

                                Persons with Expenditures, 2007

Table 4.3.                Prescription Drug Expenditures in the 10 Largest States, 2007

Table 4.4.                Average Number of Total and Unique Prescriptions by Select

                                Person Characteristics, 2006

Table 4.5.                Average Age of Patients Receiving Drug Classes

Table 4.6.                Characteristics of Persons Purchasing Drugs from Mail Order

                                Pharmacies vs. Characteristics of Persons Purchasing Drugs from

                                Other Outlets, 2005 105

Table 4.7.                Disparities in Pharmaceutical Treatment of Hispanic Patients

Table 4.8.                Percentage of Persons Unable to Receive or Delayed in Receiving

                                Needed Medical Care, Dental Care, or Prescription Medicines, 2007    

Table 4.9.                Prescription Drug Estimates for Medicare Beneficiaries, 2005 and 2006

Table 4.10.              The Top Five Therapeutic Classes of Outpatient Prescription
                                Drugs Used by Adults, 2006 and 2010

Table 4.11.              The Top Five Therapeutic Classes of Outpatient Prescription Drugs
                                Used in the Medicare Population, 2006 and 2010

Table 4.12.              Selected Prescription Drug Classes Used in the Past 30 Days, By Sex
                                and Age: Selected Years 1988 – 1994 through 2005-2008

Table 4.13.              Allergic Rhinitis Agents: Trends in Use and Expenditures, 2000 and 2005

Table 4.14.              Antiparkinson Agents: Trends in Use and Expenditures, 1996 and 2007

Table 4.15.              Antipsychotics: Trends in Use and Expenditures, 1997 and 2007

Table 4.16.              Antipsychotics: Disparities in Prescribing for African Americans

Table 4.17.              Anticoagulants: Use and Expenditures, 2007

Table 4.18.              Antidepressants: Trends in Use and Expenditures, 1999 and 2009,
                                and 1997 and 2002

Table 4.19.              Asthma Agents: Total Medical and Prescription Expenditures by
                                Asthma Status and Whether Preventive Medicine Is Being Taken, 2006

Table 4.20.              Asthma Agents: Preventive Medicine in 2006 -- Who Takes Them?

Table 4.21.              Asthma Agents: Underuse of Medications and Disparities in Medication

                                Use in Childhood Asthma

Table 4.22.              Analgesics: Trends in Outpatient Use and Expenditures, 1996 and 2006

Table 4.23.              Arthritis Agents: Use and Expenditures, 2005

Table 4.24.              Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Agents: Use and
                                Expenditures in Children Ages 5-17, 2007

Table 4.25.              Diabetes Management: Tests, Treatments and Trends, 2007

Table 4.26.              Gastrointestinal Agents: Use and Trends, 1997 and 2007

Table 4.27.              Thyroid Agents: Trends in Outpatient Use and Expenditures, 1996 and 2007


Chapter 5: United States Health Information


Prescription Medications

Table 5.1.                Retail Prescription Drug Sales, 1995 to 2010

Table 5.2.                Prescription Drug Classes Used in the Past 30 Days by Sex, 1988 – 1994
                                through 2005 – 2008

Table 5.3.                Prescription Drug Classes Used in the Past 30 Days by Age, 1988 – 1994
                                through 2005 – 2008


Healthcare Expenditure

Table 5.4.                Average Annual Healthcare Expenditure per Consumer Unit
                                by Age: 2007 to 2009

Table 5.5.                Average Annual Healthcare Expenditure per Consumer Unit
                                by Education: 2007 to 2009

Table 5.6.                Average Annual Healthcare Expenditure per Consumer Unit
                                by Income: 2007 to 2009

Table 5.7.                Healthcare Expenditure by Type of Expenditure and Source
                                of Funds, Summary: 1960 to 2009



Table 5.8.                Distribution of Medicaid Enrollees by Enrollment Group by
                                States, Fiscal Year 2010

Table 5.9.                Distribution of Medicare Beneficiaries by Race/Ethnicity
                                by States, 2010-2011

Table 5.10.              People without Health Insurance for the Entire Year,
                                2008 and 2009

Table 5.11.              Medicaid Pharmacy Supplemental Rebate Agreements

Table 5.12               Medicaid Coverage of Part D Cost Sharing Requirements

                                for Lower-Income Medicare Beneficiaries

Table 5.13               Medicaid Managed Care Drug “Carve out” Data

Table 5.14               State Reported Actions Necessary to Implement DRA
                                Medicaid Pharmacy Changes

Table 5.15               Flexibility Granted by DRA to States to Craft Medicaid
                                Pharmacy Policy

Table 5.16               Use of Medicaid Medication Management Programs

Table 5.17               Medicaid Prescription Reimbursement


Healthcare Revenue/ Employment

Table 5.18.              Annual Revenue for Health Care Industries: 2007 to 2009

Table 5.19.              Employment in the Health Service Industries, 1990 to 2010  

Table 5.20.              Physician Compensation by specialty, 2012

Table 5.21               Physician Compensation by geographical area, 2012

Table 5.22               Physician Compensation by practice setting, 2012

Table 5.23               Number of patient visits per week to Physician Office, 2012

Table 5.24               Amount of time spent with each Patient by Physicians, 2012


Chapter 6. Pharmaceutical Information and Education Resources

Pharmaceutical Information: Journals, Books, Magazines, and Internet Resources



Table 6.1.                Descriptions of Some Top Pharmaceutical Journals (Selected)

Table 6.2.                Rank Order of Pharmaceutical Journals with Impact Factors
                                for 2012 Greater than 1.00

Table 6.3.                Expert Opinion Journals in Pharmacology and Drug Development
                                from Informa Healthcare

Table 6.4.                Open Access Online Pharmaceutical Journals from OMICS

                                Group International

Table 6.5.                Top Open-Access Online Pharmacy and Pharmacology Journals
                                with Impact Factor 5.067 to 1.162



Table 6.6.                Pharmaceutical Books (Selected)

Table 6.7.                Online Books from Wiley Online Library: Drug Formulation
                                and Delivery

Table 6.8.                Online Books from Wiley Online Library: Clinical Pharmacology
                                & Therapeutics

Table 6.9.                Online Books from Wiley Online Library: Basic Pharmacology

Table 6.10.              Online Books from Wiley Online Library: Pharmacology &
                                Pharmaceutical Medicine (Selected Titles)

Table 6.11.              Open-Access Books on Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacology


News and Information Resources 

Table 6.12.              Pharmaceutical Magazines, News and Information Services 

Table 6.13.              Pharmaceutical-related Web Sites


Pharmaceutical Educational Resources

Table 6.14.              Universities with Medical Schools in the United States

Table 6.15.              American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s list of accredited

                                Baccalaureate & Graduate Nursing Programs by States

Table 6.16.              List of Pharmacy Schools in the World   201


Chapter 7. Worldwide Health Statistics


Population Statistics

Table 7.1.                Populations by Country, 2012

Table 7.2.                Unemployment Rates by Country

Table 7.3.                GDP per Capita by Country, 2011

Table 7.4.                Population Earning Less Than $1.25 per Day by Country


Life, Death and Disease

Table 7.5.                Median Age by Country, 2012

Table 7.6.                Life Expectancy at birth vs. at age 60 by Country, 1990 - 2011

Table 7.7.                Death Rates per 1,000 Population by Country, 2013

Table 7.8.                Mortality Rates from HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis per
                                100,000 Population by Country, 2000 - 2011

Table 7.9.                Distribution of causes of death among children aged <5 years
                                old, 2000 - 2010

Table 7.10.              Incidence and Prevalence Rates of HIV/AIDS, Malaria and
                                Tuberculosis per 100,000 Population by Country, 2000 - 2011

Table 7.11.              Cases of Selected Infectious Diseases (Cholera, Diphtheria,
                                H5N1 Influenza, Japanese encephalitis, Leprosy, Malaria,
                                Measles, Meningitis, Mumps) by Country, 2011 - 2012

Table 7.12.              Cases of Selected Infectious Diseases (Pertussis, Plague,
                                Poliomyelitis, Congenital Rubella Syndrome, Rubella, Neonatal
                                Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Yellow fever) by Country, 2011 – 2012


Health Expenditures and Health Care Resources

Table 7.13.              Health Expenditures per Capita by Country, 2010

Table 7.14.              Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures by Country, 2010

Table 7.15.              Hospital Beds per 10,000 Population by Country, 2005 - 2012

Table 7.16.              Nurses and Midwives per 10,000 Population by Country, 2005 - 2012

Table 7.17.              Physicians per 10,000 Population by Country, 2005 – 2012


Pharmaceutical Statistics

Table 7.18.              Pharmaceutical Sales

Table 7.19.              Pharmaceutical Employment   

Author Biography

Albert I Wertheimer, PhD, MBA is a professor at Temple University School of Pharmacy where he teaches and conducts research in the health economics area. He is the author of 32 books and over 400 scientific and professional journal articles. He is a popular speaker and consultant who has had assignments in over 60 countries. His pharmacy degree was earned at the University of Buffalo, the M.B.A. from the State University of New York at Buffalo and his PhD from Purdue University. He completed a postdoctoral research fellowship at St. Thomas’ Hospital Medical School of the University of London (UK).


Richard Levy, MS, PhD is a pharmacologist who currently operates a consulting practice in the Washington DC area. Dr. Levy was Vice President for Scientific Affairs at the National Pharmaceutical Council where he directed research on the use and value of innovative pharmaceuticals in the health care system. He has authored over 100 publications in pharmacology, neurobiology, pharmacoeconomics, and health policy. Dr. Levy was a professor in the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Illinois College of Medicine in Chicago. He received postdoctoral training in neuropharmacology at the University of Illinois and a PhD from the University of Delaware.


Leo L.H. Lui, BS, PharmD is a recent Doctor of Pharmacy graduate of Temple University School of Pharmacy. Born in Hong Kong and raised in New York City, he earned his B.S degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Sciences in Philadelphia and is currently a pediatric pharmacist at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. His past experiences include working as a research assistant at Temple University under Albert Wertheimer and as a pharmacy intern at Chestnut Hill Hospital in Philadelphia and at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan.  

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